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Investor tools for the serious investor.

Stock research centers
Fundamental analysis
Technical analysis

Stock research centers

InvLinks.com: Research Assistant (Research assistant)

TradingDay.com Home (Enter a ticker symbol and get linked to the best research out there for this stock)

DailyStocks.com (Excellent stock research center)

GrayMetalBox Trade Reports (Just type in the symbol of the stock you are researching and they will customize links for you that will make your research a snap! Over 100 links specifically for your stock. )

InvestorGuide (This stock research tool searches over 70 different sites for research data (quotes, charts, news, earnings, analyst recommendations, insider trading, etc.))

Fundamental analysis

LionShares.com (LionShares is a leading provider of stock ownership information and analysis to institutional and individual investors)

Hoover's Online (Information on companies and industries.)

The Online Investor (Company information and stock research)

10k Wizard: Home Page (Free real-time online access and full-text search of the EDGAR system, providing a link to the SEC filings)

FreeEDGAR (Real-time SEC EDGAR filings. The site used to be free, but it now requires a subscription.)

@Edgar SEC Filings, Edgar Filings & Alerts (EDGAR filings)

Business Week Online: Personal Investing (Corporate snapshot, provided by Business Week Online, and comprehensive quotes)

BestCalls - The Internet's Conference Call Directory (Conference call schedules, personalized call tracking and automated email notifications)

Vcall - A Service of WILink (Through its web broadcasting technologies, Vcall offers inimitable real-time, compelling information and analysis for all investors. Sign up for their free PrecisionAlert Management Utility.)

Company Boardroom Highlights (Company Boardroom from CCBN lets you get the latest corporate information, straight from the source -- the company itself)

Reuters, formerly MultexInvestor from Multex.com (Market Guide) (The best free company research)

Morningstar Stocks, Stock Quotes and Stock Market Research (Morningstar is a leading provider of mutual fund, stock, and variable-insurance investment information. You can count on Morningstar for unbiased data and analysis, and editorial commentary.)

MSN MoneyCentral (Investing home - MSN MoneyCentral. Click here for real time quotes.)

Yahoo! Finance (Yahoo! Finance - check the stock quotes and the charts, as well as the insider trading information. )

Home | my.zacks.com (Check the analyst reports and the momentum screening tools here)

Validea (Stock analysis by Validea)

InsiderScore (Leading insider trading and insider transaction information, including real-time form 4 and form 13D filings)

Technical analysis

ClearStation (ClearStation - check the stock quotes)

BigCharts - Charting a World of Investment Information (Market pulse and excellent technical charts from BigCharts)

StockCharts.com (StockCharts.com provides free stock charts, expert market commentary and technical analysis training)

Prophet.Net (Charts, technical analysis & financial market data for stocks, futures & options)

Barchart.com (Online financial quotes, charts and technical analysis for stock and commodity traders)

EquityTrader.com: Homepage (Equitytrader)

1st and Only Site For Candlestick Chart Stock Market Analysis - Lit Wick Co. (Lit Wick)




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